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Swissdacs is an insurance intermediary authorized in Switzerland by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) and in Europe by the Österreichisches Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Wirtschaft (bmwfw), operating in the free provision of services in all European Union countries.


As an insurance intermediary, it specializes in credit insurance, guarantees, political risk, excess loss, and special risks.


Swissdacs collaborates with major international insurance companies, also as their representative for risk syndication between the insurance and banking world and the creation of specialized policies.

Missing Piece

Swissdacs is the creator of the proprietary EASYBOND® program, which summarizes how insurance is the element that completes the picture in a finance that serves the real economy.


In Swissdacs' view, insurance is not a stand-alone product that imposes an additional cost, but is applied only if necessary to enable a construction that benefits the customer. It becomes a facilitator, an investment that brings tangible benefits.


For example, in the case of a company that needs bank guarantees, insurance can improve its creditworthiness, making it easier to access liquidity, as well as making it a more reliable and deserving partner for better discounts in the market.


In the banking sector, insurance can become a fundamental element of profitability. An adequately constructed insurance policy not only impacts the mitigation of credit risk but can also determine a reduction in mandatory reserves for each loan granted.


In this regard, Swissdacs is a consultant for one of the major international insurance companies with an AA rating for the implementation of a credit insurance policy that meets the parameters of the Basel Protocols as adopted by the European regulator, on which many banks have already begun reviewing to conform it to their needs.


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Write us at:   swissdacs(at)

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