The Swissdacs Group operates in the field of financial risk engineering. It supports companies' working capital, improves their creditworthiness, and optimizes their supply chain finance through the innovative combination of financial and insurance solutions. It analyzes markets to evaluate risks and potential for banks and financial entities.
Swissdacs applies its insurance expertise to de-risk bank credit risk and proposes solutions to mitigate the capital reserves required by regulators, with constant updates on the Basel Protocols and regulatory enactments at the European level. Swissdacs is an advisor to international banking groups and large multinational corporations.
Specializing in credit insurance, guarantees, country risk, loss excess, and special risks, it collaborates with major international insurance companies, always at the general management level, also serving as their representative for the syndication of risk between the insurance and banking worlds and the creation of specialized policies.

Swissdacs has its main headquarters in Switzerland and operates in the free movement of services in all 27 countries of the European Union from its Austrian office.
It is an authorized insurance intermediary in Switzerland by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority - FINMA, and in Europe by the Österreichisches Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Wirtschaft (bmwfw) with registration in all European Union countries.